Work Hard & Play Harder!! / Break From The Hustle Bustle
Everyone deserves a break from the hustle bustle of the busy activities of buying selling, and all the client engagement. As hectic working hours drained out the energy of the team, we stepped our game up with sports gala. It was arranged for motivation of the team. With all hands on the deck and teams lead by HODs, event turned out to be a great fun filled activity, where everyone had a time replete with exuberance and vim.
A strong team is the basic foundation of an organization; a company can survive without finances but not without human resource. Profine took complete advantage of the sport carnival to promote team building.
The festivity began with the arrival of all the team at the venue at Sundar Factory, Lahore where opening ceremony was conducted. The participants were divided into FOUR teams and they were named in accordance with their respective units.
There were LION – EAGLE – SHARK – TIGER.
It was not conventional game where HODs would lead their own teams but it was breathe of fresh air as participants were shuffled and took their time for team building while playing along with participants from other department. Games like Cricket, badminton, table tennis and ludo were played and the participants relished their time off. The day was declared as holiday in all centers.
Together standing and playing along with their team mates, the female employee of Profine played a very vital role to make their team stand out and win the tournament. The game hyped up when the cricket match started and it was like a combat between teams, every team trying to do their best and excel on the other.
The much needed lunch break came as a source of relief in this tug of war and everybody rested and revised the strategy to win the match. After cross matching with other teams and making their way into the final, the team TIGER won the cricket.
Among all the games Ludo and cards were the greatest ways of team building. These games provide you space for communication and understanding ultimately leading to team building. It was great seeing female participation in sports, especially in badminton. Profine believe in taking baby steps in breaking the biases. Hope to have more progressive work environment, where we promote equality and human oriented policies.